3 min readJul 11, 2024

Swift Entry point description

Photo by Safar Safarov on Unsplash


I started studying Swift because I want to make my own macOS app during my master’s course. Today is the first day. I will show you how the basic Swift template is structured:

// pomoApp.swift
// pomoimport SwiftUI
import SwiftData@main
struct pomoApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {


@main Annotation:

  • The @main attribute is used to designate the entry point of the Swift application.
  • This is similar to the main function in other programming languages (like C, C++, or Java), but in Swift, it is used to mark the starting point of a SwiftUI app.
  • It tells the Swift compiler that this is where the program should start executing.

struct pomoApp: App:

pomoApp is a structure that conforms to the App protocol.

The App protocol is provided by SwiftUI and represents the structure and behavior of an app.

var body: some Scene:

  • The body property is required by the App protocol and is used to describe the content and behavior of the app.
  • The return type some Scene indicates that this property will return an object that conforms to the Scene protocol.
  • The Scene protocol represents a part of the app's user interface. In this case, it represents the main scene of the app.


  • WindowGroup is a container that manages a group of windows in the app.
  • It can contain one or more views, and each view represents the content of a window.
  • Here, it contains a single view, ContentView, which means the app will start with this view as the main window content.


  • ContentView is a SwiftUI view that you define elsewhere in your code. It represents the primary user interface for your app.

Understanding some Scene

  • The keyword some in some Scene is part of Swift's opaque return types feature.
  • It means that the method or property will return a value of a type that conforms to the Scene protocol, but it doesn't specify exactly which type.
  • This allows for flexibility and abstraction. The exact type can be determined by the compiler, but you don’t need to expose the specific type to the users of your API.
  • In this context, some Scene allows the body property to return different types of scenes without specifying them explicitly, as long as they conform to the Scene protocol.

Here’s an example with more than one view:

import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

struct pomoApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {

In this hypothetical example, WindowGroup now contains ContentView and AnotherView, showing that multiple views can be managed by the WindowGroup.


  • @main marks the entry point of the Swift app.
  • struct pomoApp: App conforms to the App protocol, defining the app's structure.
  • var body: some Scene returns a scene object, with some Scene indicating an opaque return type that conforms to the Scene protocol.
  • WindowGroup manages the app's windows and their content.

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